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Cemetery Minutes 07/26/2018
Cemetery Trustee Meeting
July 26, 2018 – 5:30 p.m.

Present:  David Pinckney, Mark McIntosh, Linda Fisher (trustees); Tammy Jameson (alternate trustee); Donna Chagnon (resident)

Old Business

  • June minutes were amended and approved.
  • It was decided that on August 30th, the committee will review and revise as necessary the current Cemetery Rules & Regulations. The hope is to create a policy
  • sensitive to grieving families’ needs
  • mindful of the safety of cemetery visitors and maintenance providers
  • effective in preserving a restful atmosphere and attractive appearance at each site.
Each committee member is asked to review the Rules & Regulations prior to 8/30, and bring revision recommendations, as well as suggestions on how best to roll out a new policy.   
  • Donna clarified her question regarding the placement of a family stone.  She would like the stone centered among the 8 plots, where the “171” marker currently is.  Donna asked if the marker could be moved/removed, and wondered if there is a duplicate hidden in the grass.  Mark and David voiced concerns about needing the marker for future measurements.  Any changes will need to be recorded in the lot’s file.  David and Mark are looking into the situation.
  • Discussion continues regarding Leavitt Cemetery’s buffer zone and the need/desire to protect it.
  • David contacted Debbie Fox regarding the interment of her father’s ashes, and will follow up about the need for a cremation certificate, as well as name and location.
New Business

  • August meeting set for the 30th, 5:30 pm.  September meeting set for the 20th, 5:30 pm.  Linda will post the changes.
  • The trustees received a letter from the DOJ Charitable Trusts Division.  They are no longer providing training for municipal trustees.  Instead, classes will be offered by the NH Municipal Association at their November conference (14th & 15th).  Interested and available committee members can commit to attending on 8/30.
  • David suggested the committee meet with Blaze Konefal to learn about the proper handling of trust fund reimbursements.  Linda will contact Blaze and ask if he’s available September 20th.
  • Tammy observed that many of Pineground’s grave markers have become hidden by grass clippings, etc.  David recommended a fall workday to address this.  Perhaps a volunteer day?
  • Linda shared a discussion she had with Lynn Clark, a Hopkinton Cemetery Trustee who is overhauling that town’s record-keeping.  Linda will explore Lynn’s paper-based system and have recommendations on 8/30.  Leslie will bring her findings on software-based systems as well.  The committee will then decide which record-keeping system will best serve the Town’s needs.   
  • Donna mentioned she once served on a municipal records committee – a group of volunteers who helped organize and maintain Chichester’s records.  The committee no longer exists, but Donna kindly offered to help with the cemetery trustees’ filing efforts.
  • The committee discussed as a long-term goal the need for a Cemetery Trustee Handbook and for a way to capture institutional history.  
  • Linda brought up the possibility of hiring a sexton to oversee cemetery maintenance and lot sales.  Tammy mentioned Candia employs a sexton and offered to investigate job description and wages.
Next Meeting – August 30, 2018 – 5:30 p.m.